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Corporations and Foundations Donations

Gifts and grants from corporations and foundations are vital to ensure that we can continue to provide the next generation with critical economic and personal finance skills.

As a non-profit organization, the Maryland Council on Economic Education relies on support from corporations, foundations, and individuals in the private sector to provide funding for our numerous student programs, teacher training opportunities, and events that benefit K-12 classrooms across Maryland.

Why Partner?

Economic and financial education is a powerful tool for social justice.  It is about extending the opportunity to make good decisions, which can have a lifelong impact, to everyone regardless of socioeconomic background.  Financial knowledge can make an impact on defeating generational poverty by arming people with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in an increasingly competitive world.

What Can Your Dollars Do?

Every dollar of support to MCEE is important.  Here are some examples of what your donation can accomplish:


Outfits a classroom with books and materials.  With the help of our sponsors classrooms across Maryland benefited from classroom resources such as Math in the Real World, Learning, Earning and Investing, Financial Fitness for Life and Playful Economics.


Fund student teams at a Maryland school to participate in the Stock Market Game experience for one year.  The Stock Market Game is a hands-on transformational program that helps students learn saving and investing and apply those skills throughout their lives.


Provides a full scholarship for a teacher to attend the national Council on Economic Education highly rated Annual Financial Literacy and Economic Education Conference, where educators share best practices and receive training on new resources.


Platinum Sponsorship for the daylong teacher summit for teachers.  Workshop sessions for teachers to use in their classroom and for their own personal financial development.  Includes an exhibit table, signage and full-page advertisement in the printed program.


Sponsor the State Economic Challenge Program where student teams from across the state prepare throughout the school year to compete on economics knowledge.  The state winner will advance to the National Economics Challenge and the International Economics Challenge Competition


Exclusive sponsorship of a MCEE programs in a county or geographic area for a year.  Partner with MCEE to be the branded sponsor of all of our work in a specific place of impact.  This includes sponsoring Stock Market Game student teams as well as teacher training and other events.  Exclusive media coverage is available.

The Maryland Council on Economic Education is proud to be recognized as a Community Reinvestment Act eligible organization by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.

To learn more about corporate or foundation giving please contact:

Julie Weaver

Executive Director

Maryland Council on Economic Education

Email:  weaver@towson.edu

Phone:  410-704-2137


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Cell Phone
*Amount ($USD)
 Payment frequency

or mail a check payable to the Maryland Council on Economic Education

8000 York Road

Towson, MD 21252

Towson University
8000 York Rd.
Towson, MD  21252-0001

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